Vitamins & Minerals
17 Foods High in Vitamin B
What You Need to Know Before Picking a Multivitamin
Essential Nutrients Every American Needs
What Are B-Complex Vitamins and Where Can I Get Them?
Unlike most of the other letter-named vitamins, it’s not as simple as a single letter-name for Vitamin B. From Vitamin B1 to B12 (with a few missing in between), there’s so many to keep track of, supporting so many healthy body functions.
Magnesium: Benefits, Health, and Tips
Our bodies rely on vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy. We depend on minerals such as iron and calcium for many critical processes. But there’s another essential mineral that’s needed in many body processes: Magnesium.
3 Vitamins & Minerals You Need to Support Your Immune System
The immune system isn’t a single organ—it’s very complex and made up of different cells, tissues, and organs that work together to keep your body healthy and running normally.
How Electrolytes Help with Hydration
Hydration is critical for maintaining your health and for feeling your best. Dehydration can lead to weakness and affect all kinds of important body functions like consciousness, heart rate, and blood pressure.
4 Vitamins and Minerals for Bone and Muscle Health
Every time you take a step, your bones and muscles work together to move your body.
A Guide to Biotin: Benefits and Properties
When you think about your daily beauty routine, are you thinking about what you eat? Biotin is literally like nutrition for your hair, skin, and nails.
Vitamin D: Benefits and Properties
Just hearing “Vitamin D” reminds us of cold glasses of milk or radiant sunshine. But what exactly is Vitamin D and how does it keep us healthy?
Vitamin C: Benefits, Health, and Tips
Light, refreshing, and citrus-y goodness might come to mind when you first think of Vitamin C.
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